September 28, 2009
September 8, 2009
August 31, 2009
August 24, 2009
A final quick note from her final e-mail from Argentina
August 23, 2009
8 days left

Hermana Urban has 8 days left. You know in any other situation it might seem like a nice trip to a foreign land. Considering that she has been there 18 months 8 days is nothing. I loved her last posting that she has so much to do with so little time. We have heard of other missionaries called to this part of the world so the work will continue there and it will continue here! If you are interested in a Denver greeting airport party... please let me know
P.S. The reason for the time expired is she is slightly after 18 months and she is still there :)
August 18, 2009
Loving Every Minute
August 16, 2009
2 weeks home bound...

August 12, 2009
Are We Excited to have Elissa Back soon??!!
The Urban's
August 10, 2009
Life's challenges can lead to testimonies of our Savior...22 days left in Argentina!
Look at what Irma made for me!!!
warm cozy stockings!!
This is me with the lemon tree outside of my porch. I Love Monte.
This is a man with style if I knew anyone.
Marta teaching us, the relief society how to make
home-made noodles. DELICIOUS!!
(sorry sometimes i rather have the pics talk instead of me typing lots)
so here is a little story:
August 3, 2009
quench not the spirit

Me and the comp Hermana Delgado at Zone conference.

Andres and Silivia are sill amazing!! Yesterday they shared with us their testimonies of the blessings they have received from the gospel. They are truly an amazing family, that has a strong desire to be an eternal family. Siliva has some document issues and wasn´t able to vote and is unable to make a date to get married. So the process will take a little longer but they are doing real good.
Hugo continues with his many many doubts. He was actually in the hospital for 10 days and we couldn´t talk with him. But he still has a huge desire to understand the mysteries of God. I am actually typing in the ciber that he owns. We are gonna keep him in our prayers.
Well love you all. Things are good. We are finding new people everyday. And Janelle, I too found a bike!!!! YAY!!!!
here is a scripture I feel in love with this morning: ! Thessalonians 5:19 "Quench not the spirit" - How is Paul SOOO genius?? oh maybe because he was a prophet. But he still impresses me.
your hermanita Urban
angels : july 27

A recent convert Rosa saw and entered the temple for the first time as well. She did baptisms. and her granddaughter who comes to church every Sunday also came with us. We are big buds. I love her lots.

July 20, 2009
So I have been thinking a lot about the whole agency issue.
Preach My Gospel says I have the responsibility to teach powerfully and clearly enough that the people can make their own decisions. So, as a missionary, we study the scriptures, live on a higher level of standards, serve others, and pray for the best. We do these things so we can teach powerfully and have the spirit help us. But nothing interferes with their decisions; they still have the right to choose to accept the gospel or not.
So in Monte right now our investigators are at that point. Decision making time. So keep them in your prayers and I will keep living worthily to help them out.
Today was transfer meeting and this American man came up to me saying “sister urban, I have something for you!” and happy surprise hand delivered from my Grandma Clonts. YOU ARE THE BEST!!! I shared some cookies and now I am really popular! I am going to smell even better with some great new body wash. I am soooo excited. Thanks sooooo much for the love!!
Also I got a great package from the young women!!! Also got more popular with sharing. And mom the dress= I love. Only thing I need to lose some mission weight.
Hermana Ingoldsby is going to train a new missionary this transfer! She is going to be an amazing trainer.
Well, anyway, I love you all and hope all is well. Thanks for the support and love and prayers and faith.
Hermana Urban
July 14, 2009
Really Neat this post!

Today we got a letter from Sister Urban's Mission President. It says... I am pleased to inform you that your daughter, Sister Elissa Marie Urban, has served faithfully in the Buenos Aires Mission and will complete that mission honorably on 8/31/2009.
It has been a pleasure to have Sister Urban serve in this mission. I have enjoyed my association with a missionary who exemplifies such fine qualities and personal attributes. I have seen her mature spiritually as a result of her constant, unselfish service. Without a doubt, this mission has helped Sister Urban enhance her ability to positively relate to companions and fellow church members. Truly, she has been an excellent representative of Jesus Christ, and we thank you for having sustained her in this mission.
Thank you for your efforts in preparing a young woman such as Sister Urban to be asuccessful missionary.
We as parents were of course honored to have such a letter sent to us today. She has 45 days left... as we know that will go fast and it's letters like this that show us that she really was meant to go and made a difference in many lives.
The pictures were just sent to us...enjoy Jim & Susan
July 6, 2009
These Are The Children of the World...Hermana Urban is teaching...

These are some pictures from a couple of weeks ago...a little late but still fun to look at.
So a fun little info: This great amazing lady that I was teaching a year ago got married and baptized this week!!! After a year she was able to get her documents from Paraguay and get married to her boyfriend (who is member) and then baptized - along with her daughter!!! I LOVE THIS!!!! I am hearing great success stories from other areas that I have served in and it just goes to show that the Lord allows His work to progress. no matter what.
So I am sure you all know that there is this crazy sickness swiping the land. Rosmeri has been working a lot (seeing how she is a nurse and all). so it has been tough to get to her. But people have been super worried and distraught about this flu that a lot of stores and places are closed or only open to a limited number of people. You have to wait to enter stores and you can only enter if you are going to buy. So what makes it all even more crazy is that we have cancelled church for 3 weeks. Yesterday we didn´t go. and that was weird.
When we aren´t traveling for meetings we are running around like crazy because we are visiting so many people! I love it!! We will have more men in the branch soon because the majority of the people we are teaching are men. so that will be great because the branch is about 3/4 women.
well that is all i will say. keep letters coming. did i not tell you that I extended my mission by 6 months?? SO if you are thinking you can get by without writing - you are wrong!!!
hermana urban
July 1, 2009
so bueno!!!
So everyone, seriously, put Hugo in your prayers.
And Irma got baptized!! And it was adorable b/c apparently not all of her hair went under the water and when someone mentioned that she was like: "well that's bc I have a lot, ok!" I don't know I just loved it.
Also we had an amazing lesson with Andres and Silvia and the family. We read "The Proclamation" and WHOA that thing is powerful and wonderfully true. Then we (with the help of a member) set a marriage goal. Meaning that if all works out wonderfully we will have a wedding and baptisms in August!!!! And then a temple sealing in a year. This is not a family of 5, this is a family of 8, and to be able to be with those little babies that they lost, they must keep those eyes on the temple.
Mommy and daddy happy anniversary!! I am glad that we are an eternal family!!!!
Scott- your letter changed my life!!! Thanks sooooo much (I also read it to one of my friends and she loved it to)
Saren- I LOVED YOUR PKG of love and warmth and sarenness. I love you to death too!!
Matthew Case- I am awful for not writing. but as soon as I am in utah = you and I and that wonderful David Bowie movie of Labyrinth.
Rachel Andrus- congrats with the baby coming!!! I am so proud and amazed of your selfless service to be a mom. whoa.
Katy- I hope you are adjusting well!
Ok loves to all!
Hermana Urban
ps. oh also- Farrah Fawcett - sad as well. but I told Hermano Eva, sweet member, that dad always loved her and then he said probably because I look like her (which is weird because she clearly was 20 when I wasn't on this planet) and now he is calling me by "Farrah."
Oh Argentines.
June 17, 2009
We walk lots in Monte, have I told you that? So I am hoping to get some bikes real soon. And then I will be one of those bike missionaries. Yes!
So things went well this week and we ended with week with stake conference. We traveled as a branch to the stake center to watch a broadcast just for Argentina. It was really great because Andres, Silvia and their 3 kids came!!! I was soooo happy!!! But they left earlier than everyone else so I haven’t been able to talk to them about it. I am pretty sure that everyone should pray for them.
Patience is an attribute that I have yet to master. But with patience I know that as long as I am working super hard and doing my best the Lord will do the rest. I know that Monte is just a little tiny branch but I also know that it has huge potential. So I will keep at it and then maybe 15 – 20 years down the road we will hear how huge the ward is in Monte! (my dream).
I love ya`ll.
Hermana Urban
June 11, 2009
On Thursday the elders came to our area to interview Irma for baptism. We went to her house to pick her up but she wasn´t there. WHAT?? So we tried to search a little bit but she was just no where in sight. This has never happen before. So we were a little worried. It turns out that she was in the hospital. She hasn´t been feeling very good lately so it was a good thing that she went to see a doctor. After we sent the elders home and continued on with our day we decided that it would be better to move her baptismal date so she could rest and feel better about it. When we found her in her house we talked with her and shared a scripture, she said the prayer. Ok the most amazing feeling ever comes when you hear people pray. Her prayer came directly from her humble heart strings and was filled with how grateful she is for the opportunity to get baptized and continue in her faith in Christ through living the gospel. I feel really good about her baptismal date now and everything will be good.
So today is transfers. Hermana Gatica is off to the coast and I am staying in Monte for my fourth transfer. I feel like my name should be on the member list. I love it though.
My new companion is from Peru. Her name is hermana Delgado. Wish us luck!
I love this work. It is the Lord´s, not mine. I am just amazed that He would let me be a part of it.
Hermanita Urban
June 6, 2009
more lives touched this week!
Well I have already used half on my Internet time doing I don’t know what. I am enjoying some delicious Helado. It is officially June and the cold has only begun. I already have my thermals, wool tights and thick socks on. Our little Monte house is actually quite big and we have a heater at the bottom of the stairway, thus all the hot air is trapped in the stairway. Who lives on the stairs? I do.
The area is really getting on its feet and it has been amazing to see the progress. It is on the brink of exploding. But still patience is a very important virtue. ¿no?
There are ten people working towards baptism, there is definitely work going on in Monte. But the best things ever are the visits themselves. I love visiting people and bringing the gospel into their homes. Families start unifying and love starts growing.
Andres and Siliva and their kids are doing the simple things that count. Ie: praying together, reading the scriptures together and helping one another out. So that is pretty exciting. They will only have more of the Spirit of Lord in their home.
Rosmeri and Nicolas are adorable and I love and care for them so much that I honestly get nervous when teaching them. Mostly because I just want them to love the gospel.
(I am going to try to take more pictures of people in their homes and what not)
So, the owner of our house is also a member of the church for many many years. Her parents were pioneers in Monte. She has been inactive in the gospel for many many years. Her husband, who has no belief in God, has been smoking since he was 13 years old and is now in the hospital. So it is sad. I love Vivian so much. She is such a great women and I feel so helpless, as I am sure she does. I really think that God is sending her signs. Just as he does. He shows us our weaknesses so we can be made strong. So she is struggling but putting on her happy face. Remember when I first came to Monte and I went to a funeral?? It was her Mom. The great thing is that the missionaries live right next door. She told us that she loves to see us because she sees Good. Something good.
Another less active, after singing a hymn, told us how beautiful it is that we are in the gospel, that we have this joy and that we have that spirit of goodness with us.
The gospel is good. It is simple as that.
Pray for the peeps here.
Hermanita Urban
May 24, 2009 hard play hard!

The weeks keep going and we keep working.
May 11, 2009
We had an amazing week here in Monte. We taught a bunch. Rosa spoke in church about faith. I loved a part in her talk where she said that her faith helped her get baptized, but her faith won’t stay in the font, she has to continue coming to church and reading her scriptures to nourish her faith. YOu GO GiRL!
Andres and Siliva and their 2 of their kids came to church!! They came super late and I was on the brink of tears thinking they weren´t going to come. But then all of sudden they walked in and I was sooooo happy. I think they were a little surprised at my reaction when I saw them!! It is a HUGE blessing to see families learn about the gospel.
As for Rosmeri and her kids- they are progressing beautifully and even though they couldn’t come to church, they want to learn about the gospel and want to know how to do what God has in store for us.
We also found two men and gave them the goal of getting baptized. Now they have to ask God to see if that is what He wants them to do. Ask and ye shall receive, right?
I loved chatting with some of ya´ll yesterday!! Happy Mothers Day!! And Happy Birthday Grandpa!!! I love you. I wanted to call Grandma and Grandpa Urban and Grandma and Grandpa Clonts but my phone card ran out mid-sentence with Casey. Lame-o.
2 little school boys are sitting next to me yelling out their plans of attack while they are playing some computer game-thing. Haha I just took a pic.
Hermana Urban

May 4, 2009
Fall! 5.4.09
Things are good. Fall is here and can I say how much I love it??! I have been walking around with my camera taking pictures of the trees. The smell, the colors, the scarfs – I love it all!!!!

I am currently reading the Bible in my personal study and I am just RIVETED with how amazing and interesting it is. WOW!! I cannot get enough of it. I love to read it like a book and then I love to completely dive in and search different parts of it to deepen the goods. Reading it has also made me realize how little I know about God, but it only gives me more drive to understand more.
So here is a little story:
Saturday, randomly, we found out that Rosmeri and the little guys were moving to the other side of town to a nicer home. So basically, it has taken such a long time to get in contact with them since she has been soooooo busy. Understandable. So we stop by to see if she will need help with the move and all. She said that her ex-husband and 3 other men were going to come. We decided to call some people anyway. We called Miguel, this stud recent convert, who never ceases to amaze me. He came directly over. Nobody else that we talked to could come. So anyway, Rosmeri´s husband ends up calling saying that he wasn´t able to come. Which left the 2 missionaries and Miguel and the fam. But I, being a little bit of an overachiever and worrier, run over (with the comp of course) to a menus activo, the oldest son of the branch president. He was just about to leave his apartment as his Mom (RS pres) and we run up. I don´t know how it happened but the timing was amazing. We asked if they could help and they both jumped on it. We arrived at the house and loaded stuff in the truck.
Rosmeri, Fernando, Judith and Nicolas were so happy and thrilled to have some help.

Everyone was so happy and content.
And it also gave us a moment to chat with Hermana Orellano who has been going through some challenges.
I am convinced that when we are willing to do the Lord´s will, He will just work everything out through us. We just have to be willing and then all of a sudden we will realize: “I did nothing, but wow, good things happened and I know it's because God is in charge.”
Mom, I covered my agenda with the wrappers from the Dove Chocolates you sent me. So now I have these feel-good messages to look at.
KEN AND AMY!!! I got the CD and listen to it EVERY second I can get. I love it. And my chilean companion is singing along now too! Thanks soooooooo much.
I love you all. I am gonna go out and enjoy this Fall weather. (are you jealous?)
Hermana Urban
Ps WHERE IN THE WORLD DID MOTHERS DAY COME OUT OF?? I just chatted with ya´ll. I will call this Sunday.

April 27, 2009
I also directed a girls choir in the Primary. SO fun!! Actually only one out of the 4 girls is a member of the church. So it was great for the girls and their families to see them sing and participate. I think it would be the hardest thing ever to be a little girl and not have the gospel. So I am happy to help these 3 little girls actually KNOW who they are; which is a child of God . . . someone very special.
April 21, 2009
No Rest...the work must go on

Well my dears,